administration, management, sport for all classroom management, teaching and learning process cooperative learning type talking stick model, concept buying and selling activities, IPS (Social Studies).

Video Presentations, blended learning, cognitive load, learning outcomes. The learning model Children's Learning in Science (CLIS), Science Process Skills, and Scientific Attitude. Keywords Globalisasi, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Pendidikan Karakter, Karakter Bangsa, Nilai-nilai Pancasila Kecerdasan Interpersonal, verbal bullying Kendala Guru, Penilaian Ranah afektif Learning process, Think-Pair-Share Lesson Plan, Learning Process Media, Puzzle, Development Nationalism, Islam Syariat Partisipasi, e-learning, Forum Diskusi Pedagogic Competencies, Implementation Science Learning, Problem Based Instruction, Smart Card Media Science, the Qur'an, science learning.